Making sure you subtract the right amount of items from your inventory is really important for managing how things move through your supply chain. This helps you figure out when to order more, how long it takes to get stuff, and how much people will want, all so that you can keep just the right amount of stuff on hand. So, knowing how to check if your Bundle Builder orders are taking out the right number of items is super necessary.
Here are the steps to check if the orders are being deducted correctly:
Step 1: Go to the actual order and check the product listed in the bundle 1 by 1.
Step 2: Go to the product section and search for the product name.
Step 3: Down to the inventory. Click on “Adjustment history.”
Step 4: Look for the "Manually adjusted by Bundle Builder: DIY Product Bundle."
Step 5: Cross-check the “Date & time” of the purchase from the Order Section to “Date & time” of adjustment from Adjustment History.
NOTE: Sometimes, the inventory adjustment takes 30 minutes to show up.