Show a Loading GIF When Adding to Cart, when a customer is adding items to their cart. This small animation lets customers know that the process is happening and they need to wait a moment.
Customizing the Loading GIF
In BundleBuilder, you can change the look of the loading GIF to match your store's design. You have several options to customize the colors, making sure it fits your brand's style. Here's what you can change:
- Loader Background Color: This changes the background color behind the GIF.
- Title Color: This adjusts the color of the text for the loading message title.
- Text Color: This is for changing the color of the message text below the title, if applicable.
Choosing Colors
There are two ways to choose colors for the Loading GIF:
Input the Hex Code: If you know the hex code (a six-digit code used to represent colors), you can directly type it in. For example, #000000 is black, and #FFFFFF is white.
Select from the Color Palette: If you're unsure of the hex code, you can choose a color from the color palette. This lets you pick from a wide range of colors without needing to know the exact code.
This feature ensures that your store's loading GIF looks visually appealing and fits perfectly with your store's branding.